thank you


i just want to say thank you for all the phone calls, emails, texts, instagrams,and comments on the blog. it truly has helped beyond words than i can explain. to know how much love i have in my life is beyond comforting. to know that you guys know how much this kitty meant to me, well that speaks to me. it shows that i have true friends and family in my life that listen to me, that know my heart, that love me.  if you knew how much i loved her, than she had to know too. all of your comments here on the blog were also so comforting to know that you read the post, understood, and had similar feelings and situations.

i drove to my parents yesterday. i sat in silence much of the way, sometimes listening to the christmas mix i was SOO excited about, but from time to time i couldn’t help but to cry. i didn’t really feel like talking to anyone, normally i call everyone under the sun on a road trip. the night before i stayed with my friend natalie. she had me watch oprah’s soul to soul. she loves that shit. it was all about the soul, god, what and where the soul is. my favorite explanation was from Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Vietnamese buddhist monk. his answer to death was not that we die, but that we transform. he explained when you look at a cloud, you don’t get sad when it disappears because it has turned into rain, snow, or ice. it hasn’t really gone away, it is just in different form.  that idea, i could understand. on my drive, when i saw a bird on a post or the sun shine through a cloud or a tree that still had leaves on it…i saw lola.  and that comforted me. but i also realized that i carry her with me and through me. maybe, i will become more spiritual through this process. maybe i will find more peace with what i believe god to be.

thank you from the bottom of my heart and lola’s.

Published by Dear, Us

Welcome to the bridge where I hope and intend to create a space for ALL the things I do and can't seem to quit. I am a stylist, a creator, a shop owner, a writer, an artist, a mama. Sabina Bloom was born FEB 2021 in a snowstorm and she has an extra special gift on her 21st chromosome. Here you will find us laughing, loving, creating, and navigating Down syndrome and our life together.

4 thoughts on “thank you

  1. My love, Miss Kitty adored butterflies, and after her death, I saw butterflies everywhere. One landed near me in the garden and just sat there. As I sat at a stop light, there was a fluttering butterfly over my hood, then when I parked a mile away…you guessed it, ANOTHER butterfly. Lola can now manifest anywhere, so make notice. Kitties are not nearly as attached to their bodies as humans are, and therefore when released from this life, they have a ball popping around. Remember if you are with Lola, she is with you FOREVER. Hugs, D.

  2. Your post brought me to tears. I am so very sorry for your loss and I hope you can find consolation in the fact that Ms. Lola lived a happy life. I have a cat myself, as well as a little dog, and the thought of either of them coming to harm makes my heart lurch. I wish you the very best as you grieve for a beautiful soul – our hearts are with you.

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